K through 12
- 421
- Kidder and Company
- Provides newsletters, brochures, and character curriculum for schools across the United States.
- 422
- Living Values
- An experiential values education program for children, young adults, parents, and children affected by war. An effective character development program, it builds positive emotional and social skills for peace, including conflict resolution and tolerance.
- 423
- Teaching Virtues
- This book and workshop teaches character education using a balanced approach to learning that uses the teachers own wisdom and creativity along with ancient formulas used by American Indians for thousands of years.
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- TeachingValues.com
- Resources for parents and teachers on character education and teaching children family values with accelerated learning techniques
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- The Character Education Partnership
- An organization committed to developing civic virtue and moral character in our youth for a more compassionate and responsible society. The purpose of character education is to help students develop good character, which includes knowing, caring about, and acting upon core ethical values such as caring, honesty, fairness, responsibility, and respect for self and others.
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- The Peaceful Solution Character Education Incorporated
- Devoted to promoting character education as its main tool for positive character development. Students, whether children or adults, exhibit positive behavioral changes
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- WhyTry Organization
- Provides character education lesson plans for all youth including those with behavioral disorders or learning disabilities. Program addresses peer pressure, anger management and social and emotional intelligence.
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- Young Peoples Press
- Character education publisher featuring educational publishing tools, teaching aides and curriculum materials where students also learn honesty, civility and respect.
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- JJ Burgard.com
- An educational consulting firm specializing in creating partnerships to improve learning, enhance instruction and build positive culture within education through the GATEWAY TO MASTERY methodology.
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- Career Dreams Educational Foundation
- We help students be more successful in their education and go for their career dreams based on their talents and passions.
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- School Crisis Management
- Educational consultant specializing in school safety and school crisis response training, crisis response plan assessments, and related crisis preparedness consulting for schools and business.
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- Report-it.com
- Online reporting system for students, parents and teachers to thwart potential acts of violence, weapons, and drugs in schools.
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- Keep Schools Safe the School Safety and Security Resource
- Provides school safety and violence prevention information for students, parents, and school administrators. Covers topics from bullying, peer pressure, and underage drinking to the physical security of school buildings.
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- National Coalition for School Bus Safety
- Examines issues of school bus safety by tracking legislative initiatives, accidents, parents and crash reports.
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- Practical School Security
- Basic guidelines for safe and secure schools. This book is a simple, concise, and thorough explanation of basic professional school security issues and practices.
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- Preventing Violence, Homicide and Suicide in American Schools
- Collection of articles, editorials, and handouts by Michael G. Conner, with links to related resources.