Picture Ratings subcat
- 3
- BellaOnline Rate My ...
- Rate photos of prom dresses, wedding dresses, cats, dogs, boyfriends, babies, hairdos. Users can send their photos and see how well they compare.
- 4
- LipstickAlley.com
- Users can vote for the most popular boy or girl or submit their own photos. Includes forums and member profiles.
- 5
- Me or you.com
- Rate pictures of two celebrities or regular people to determine who is the better looking.
- 6
- Pose With Your Toaster
- Submit one's own toaster-posing picture and vote for a friends' pictures. Features top 10 and picture of the week.
- 8
- Rank My Photos
- Submit and rank photos on 1-10 scale, hot or not and a shootout mode. Has top ten or bottom ten ranked photos, and categories for men, women, couples, bikini shots, bare-chested men and cars.
- 10
- Rating My Looks .Com
- Users can vote on photos of men and women or upload their own pictures and get them rated. Includes top ten lists for males and females.
- 11
- RealTimePass - Hot or Not
- Indian based picture rating system where users can upload their picture and let others rate them.
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