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- Centre for Drug Research, University of Amsterdam
- Dutch academic department conducting international socio-scientific research about drug use, drug policy, and drug distribution.
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- Erowid Cannabis Vault
- Information including research, legislation, media coverage, bibliography and lots of links.
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- High Times
- Information about marijuana and psychedelic drugs including cannabis photos, cannabis cultivation techniques, drug testing information, psychedelic art, and articles from the magazine.
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- Marijuana Art by Jean Hanamoto
- Computer enhanced photographs of one of California's only legal marijuana gardens.
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- Smokers Guide to Amsterdam
- Pictures and reports. Tips on how to use all the legal soft drugs in Amsterdam. A guide to coffee shops, smokers hotels and what to see and do in Amsterdam.
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- Weed Farmer
- Forums about cannabis culture. Daily postings showing the growth of marijuans plants, from seed to harvest.
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- Bud Buzz
- Includes a chat room, pot pictures, tips for growing and smoking mushrooms, and how to build a bong.
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