Plastic Warrior Magazine
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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Publication specializing in 54mm plastic figures. Offers back issues and checklist publications. Includes links and annual show information.
Plastic Warrior Magazine: collecting, converting, wargaming with plastic figures
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Page title: | Plastic Warrior Magazine: collecting, converting, wargaming with plastic figures |
Keywords: | Plastic Warrior, Toy soldiers, Plastic Plastic model figures, Plastic toy figure publications, Toy soldier magazines, Collecting, Wargaming, Converting, Airfix, Benbros, Berwick-Timpo, Braidwood, Britains, Charbens, Cherilea, Crescent, Deetail, Eyes Right, Gemodels, Harvey, Herald, Hilco, Kentoys, Lone Star, Malleable Mouldings, Marx, Minimodels, Model Toys, Monarch, Paramount, Phoenix, Poplar Plastics, Poplar Playthings, Prindus, Replicants, Sacul, Speedwell, Swoppets, Taylor & Barrett, Timpo, Trojan, Tudor Rose, Una, VP, Zang |
Description: | Plastic Warrior Magazine: collecting, converting, wargaming with plastic figures |
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