- 321
- Plastic Warrior Magazine
- Publication specializing in 54mm plastic figures. Offers back issues and checklist publications. Includes links and annual show information.
- 322
- Playset Magazine
- Publication specializing in "atomic age" plastic soldiers and figures. Includes playset history, news, issue synopsis, available videos, and links.
- 323
- South Florida Toy Soldier Club
- Features group information including meeting schedule. Offers an annual show.
- 324
- Toy Soldier Collectors of America
- Non-profit club for toy soldier collectors formed to promote interest in the hobby. Includes membership information, and list of shows.
- 328
- Yo-Yo Collection
- Collection of yo-yo's include coca-colas, fanta, sprite, Genuine Russell (photos).
- 331
- Museum of Yo-Yo History
- Archive of historical yo-yo images, profiles, memorabilia, and information.
- 332
- Yo-Yo's Keep Coming Back
- Interview with Tom Van Dan Elzen, popularity of yo-yo's. Jodi Crump explains basic tips and techniques. [1998 Christian Science Monitor] (June 02, 1998)
- 337
- Mark Hayward
- World yo-yo champion and juggler available for trade shows. Includes resume and photographs.