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- Danish Schnapps Recipes
- Recipes for flavoured schnapps based on vodka and natural ingredients such as fruits, berries, herbs and spices.
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- Homemade Banana Liqueur
- Recipe from Classic Liqueurs, by Cheryl Long and Heather Kibbey, uses a banana, vodka or rum, a simple syrup made of water and sugar, and a vanilla bean.
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- Homemade Banana Liqueur
- From Homemade Liqueurs by Dona and Mel Meilach, this recipe offers variation in spices, and how to make creme de banana.
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- Homemade Ginger-Honey Liqueur
- Recipe from the book Cordials From Your Kitchen by Pattie Vargas and Rich Gulling made with honey, water, chopped ginger root, lemon zest, and Scotch whiskey.
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- Licorice Liqueur
- Vodka is flavored with licorice root. Licorice extract may also be used to adjust flavor after steeping. Yields 1 pint.
- 114
- Liqueurs
- Home liqueur making. Features definitions, recipes, flavoring chart, principles, and techniques.
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- Lithuanian Honey Liqueur (Kripnikas)
- This recipe is flavored by caraway seeds, cloves, allspice, cinnamon, vanilla, yellow and white ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, saffron, citrus rind, and is made with honey, water, and grain alcohol.
- 116
- Making Liqueurs and Cordials
- Introduction to liqueur making, recipes for fruit, berries, herb and spices liqueurs, and resources.