Computers and Internet
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- CNET Reviews
- Reviews of computers and related goods, digital cameras and cell phones, including price comparisons.
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- Computer Buying Primer
- An introductory article on what you need to know to buy a computer, computer peripherals, and various software.
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- Reviews Online
- Independent source of computer hardware and software product news, evaluations, and trade show reporting.
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- SL Central
- Provides reviews of all the latest computer hardware and software along with comparison and buying guides.
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- Silicon Guide
- Offers guides to web development, hardware and Internet, and technical issues. Features newsletter, and trick and tips section.
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- TechnoFILE - How to Buy a Computer
- Article by Jim Bray on the introduction to the world of computer shopping.
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- Computer Buyer's Glossary
- Explains the terms found in advertisements, and provides information useful in setting up and configuring a new PC.
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- The Web Credibility Project
- Part of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, their goal is to understand what leads people to believe what they find on the Web. With information, papers, and related links.
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- AnonIC
- A free resource for those in need of Internet privacy. The aim of this site is to educate Internet users how to protect their privacy at little or no cost.
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- Computer Security information for the rest of us.
- Computer Security information in plain language. Learn how to protect your computer from viruses, spyware and spam.
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- Open DNS
- Free openly distributed DNS servers that provide greater reliability and security for business and home users surfing the web. These DNS servers attempt to detect phishing scams that are often times linked to from within unsolicitated emails.
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- MSMobileNews
- Offers news and reviews for Windows Mobile based devices such as smartphones and PDAs.
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- Laptop Reviews - From Real Users
- Laptop Reviews from people who use them along with latest new laptop deals and news.
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- Laptops reviews
- Laptop, Notebook & Netbook reviews, specifications, price comparisons, editor's ratings and consumer reviews.
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- Color Printers
- Resources for color printer types, compatibility, and printing speed. Offers reviews, purchasing advice, and comparison shopping.