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Cranio Kids

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Scan day: 13 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Group started by a mother and father looking for information on craniosynostosis. Offers fun, friends and craniosynostosis support. Includes a forum and blog.
Craniosynostosis Support and Awareness We are glad you found us and hope that you find the resources and support you are seeking here. Cranio Kids was started by a mother and father looking for information on craniosynostosis. In June of 2004 their son Dillon was born with bicoronal and metopic craniosynostosis. After doing research on the condition, they noticed there were few places for information and support. They decided to do something about it, and Cranio Kids was born. The goal of Cranio Kids is to create a caring and educational environment where families can come for support, and to raise awareness on this virtually unheard of condition. Come on in to our
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Page title:Craniosynostosis Support and Awareness
Keywords:craniosynostosis, craniokids, metopic, coronal, saggittal, cranio, flat head, plagiocephaly, pfeiffer syndrome, saethre-chotzen syndrome, crouzon syndrome
Description:Cranio Kids provides a support network for families affected by craniosynostosis and strives to raise awareness of the condition.