Neurological Disorders
- 441
- Wikipedia: Motor Neurone Disease
- Encyclopedia article on this group of neurological disorders that selectively affect motor neurones.
- 443
- National Dysautonomia Research Foundation -- MSA
- NDRF provides patient support, medical referral, educational material, newsletters, an online discussion forum and a research protocol database for individuals impacted with dysautonomic disorders.
- 444
- Matthew's Site for Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness
- Personal journal of a mother focused on her son's rare genetic disorder, which causes tumors in multiple parts of the body and causes neurological symptoms. Includes patient stories.
- 446
- Tuberous Sclerosis - Lisa's Site
- An incurable genetic condition that causes tumors to grow in various places in the body.
- 447
- Tuberous Sclerosis Association
- UK charity supporting sufferers, promoting awareness, and seeking the causes and best possible management of this genetic disease. Resources for patient families and information on this condition.
- 448
- Gerstmann Syndrome Support Network
- Information about the organization, the services provided and contact details.
- 449
- Patient UK: Gerstmann's Syndrome
- Factsheet on this disorder, its description, presentation, eliciting features, differential diagnosis, investigations, associated diseases, management and prognosis.
- 450
- Cheltenham Syncope Clinic
- Neurocardiogenic Syncope (also known as Vasovagal Syncope) and Carotid Sinus Syndrome are important, treatable, yet under-diagnosed causes of recurrent blackouts. Diagnosis and management of these conditions is explained in this website.
- 451
- NPR : 'In Defense of Fainting'
- Writer William Loiseaux has done a bit of scientific, linguistic, cultural and historical research on the act of fainting. He's written a treatise of sorts on the topic. It's called "In Defense of Fainting," published in The American Scholar and reprinted here. (June 01, 2001)
- 452
- Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
- An article about alcohol withdrawal syndrome, what it is, and a look at what doctors and family can do to help.
- 453
- APDA: The Massachusetts Chapter
- Promotes parkinson's awareness in the Boston community. Information about the organization as well as the disease itself, contact details and links.
- 454
- American Parkinson Disease Association
- Focuses on research, patient support, education and raising public awareness of PD.
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- Cures Now
- A non-profit organization devoted to the advancement of ethical scientific research in the advancement of regenerative medicine. Endorses the use of embryonic stem cells and somatic cell nuclear transfer (also known as therapeutic cloning) while opposing cloning.
- 456
- Maine Parkinson Society
- MEPS is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to improving the quality of life of Maine people with Parkinson’s disease. Find news, events, and projects.
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- Northwest Parkinson's Foundation
- A non-profit organization located in the Pacific Northwest which promotes awareness, education, care and a cure for Parkinson's Disease.