Eye Disorders
- 61
- The Squint Site
- Provides details about childhood and adult strabismus, its assessment, diagnosis, and treatment options available.
- 63
- Carter Center: Trachoma Control Program
- Provides information on this disease and the program being undertaken for its elimination.
- 64
- MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Trachoma
- Features cause, symptoms, diagnosis, risk factors, prognosis, complications, prevention, and treatment.
- 65
- Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation
- Research and education into inflammatory disease and immunology. Provides services and information for patients and professionals.
- 66
- Uveitis
- Definitions, symptoms, and treatments. Specific on clinic information for UM Kellog Eye Center.
- 67
- Uveitis Associated with Rifabutin Therapy
- Article outlining details of association between uveitis and Rifabutin therapy.
- 68
- Braille Authority of North America
- Facilitate the uses, teaching and production of braille. It publishes rules, interprets and renders opinions pertaining to braille in all existing and future codes.
- 69
- Braille Institute of America
- Offering services of all types to vision-impaired citizens of southern California, USA.
- 70
- Braille Works
- Provides Braille, large print and audio cassette reading materials. Includes the services available.
- 71
- Braille through Remote Learning
- An online instructional program that provides courses in reading and transcribing.
- 72
- Dotless Braille
- Introduction for sighted persons, new ideas for learning, FAQs and general information.
- 73
- M2B - MathML to Braille Translator
- M2B is open-source application which translates XML documents including MathML into Braille. Second application - SSGraph - is graph calculator with audio support.
- 74
- National Braille Association
- Provide continuing education to those who prepare braille, and to provide materials to persons who are visually impaired.
- 75
- National Braille Press
- Publisher, self-help and computer access books and children's books. Provider of transcription and pressing services.
- 76
- Volunteer Braille Services of Minnesota
- Trains and supports volunteer braille transcribers and provides transcribed materials for braille readers.