Eye Disorders
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- Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Personal page written by the child of an RP patient. Includes a description of the development of the condition.
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- Glaucoma Associates of Texas
- They work closely with their patients to control this disease and prevent further loss of vision using the latest technologies in monitoring and treatment.
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- Glaucoma Australia
- Web site for The Glaucoma Foundation of Australia lnc. Working to minimise sight disability from glaucoma.
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- Glaucoma Research Foundation
- A US-based non-profit organization, with details of education activities, research findings, and background health information.
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- New York Glaucoma Research Institute
- Created to support research into the basic causes of, increase public awareness, and promulgate educational material for opthalmologists, physicians, and persons with glaucoma.
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- Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
- Definition and treatment information, including treatment at the U-M Kellogg Eye Center.
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- Myopia Manual
- Provides impartial and thorough documentation of all the reasons and therapies for myopia, and recommendations.
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- Myopia Myth
- Claims that nearsightedness is not inherited but is caused by excessive close work such as reading. It can be prevented or improved without surgery.
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- Prevent Myopia
- An easy to understand description of how myopia (nearsightedness) can be prevented. Includes animation and narration. Suitable for adults or children.