Eye Disorders
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- Health On the Net: Disease of the Eye
- Presents the signs and symptoms of common conditions, and includes the classification system used with ocular migraines.
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- SightWise
- Public awareness site dedicated to preventing detached retina for very nearsighted people and others at risk.
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- University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center
- A directory describing the most common ocular ailments. Symptoms and treatment information is provided for each condition.
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- WebMD Eye Health Center
- Find information on eye disorders and procedures such as glaucoma and cataracts and LASIK eye surgery.
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- Blindskills, Inc.
- Offers solutions and answers to questions regarding blindness, visual impairment and vision loss.
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- Kenneth Jernigan: 'power to the blind'
- Article on the late director of the Iowa Commission for the Blind.
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- Lowell Association for the Blind
- LAB is a non-profit, community based organization dedicated to working with the blind and visually impaired. Serving the Greater Lowell, MA / Merrimack Valley community. Find the services, news, resources and contact details.
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- SeebyTouch
- The free of charge project, especially for the blind, provides a possibility to perceive pictures over the tactile sense - consisting of a picture transforming multi-platform software and a tactile display, built up easily with help of the construction manual.
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- Video Description by Narrative Television Network
- Makes movies and television programming accessible to blind and visually impaired people through narration.
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- VisionConnection
- Vision information and an accessible community for people who are partially sighted or blind. Searchable database of resources, and articles.
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- Modifying Games for the Blind
- Tips on adapting board games with tactile markings, from adding Braille markings to playing cards or game tiles, to using glue to create raised lines on map boundaries. (December 01, 2002)
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- Color Vision Information for Pilots / FAA Medical Standards
- Pilot Medical Solutions provides FAA medical certification support for pilots and aviation medical examiners.
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- Colorblind HomePage
- Explains mechanics and physiology, and includes color wheels to simulate what the disabled see.
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- Colors for the Color Blind
- Provides background information and a set of charts to help those working with computer colors.
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- Colour Blindness
- Wikipedia article includes a simple diagnostic test, rates of incidence, causes, and types of deficiency.
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- Egopont - Color Vision Test
- Includes a color vision test which may help the visitor to assess whether he/she is able to see colors correctly.