North America
- 1
- Game Hobbyists' League
- At University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Plays board games, roleplaying games, LARP, and miniatures. With meeting information, games played, journal, and the convention OurCon.
- 2
- MIT Strategic Games Society
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Plays boardgames, roleplaying games, and card games. Contains information about the club, games they play, rule variants, reports from conventions.
- 3
- Midwest Area Gaming Enthusiasts (M.A.G.E.)
- Plays board games, roleplaying games, CCGs, LARP, dice games, and computer games. Contains schedules of game days, conventions (MAGE-CON), history of roleplaying games.
- 4
- Miskatonic Illuminati
- KY, Louisville. Plays roleplaying games, board games, and card games. Contains information about RGP campaigns, RPG resources, links.
- 5
- RPI Gaming Club
- New York state, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Plays board games, card games, RPGs, and LARP. Contains list of games the club owns, previous and coming LARPS, contact information.
- 6
- Western Michigan Gamers Guild
- Kalamazoo, Western Michigan University. Plays RPGs, board games, CCGs, and gard games. Holds convention (Marmalade Dog Gamefest). Contains events, membership information, newsletter, roleplaying adventures.
- 7
- Wolverine Gaming Club
- University of Michigan. Plays board games, card games, roleplaying games, CCGs, and miniatures. Holds a convention (U•CON). Contains events, news, club information.
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