- 1
- Big-8 Usenet
- Management board of the big 8 hierarchies: controls creation, naming, moderation policies and removal processes for newsgroups in those hierarchies. Includes a FAQ and details of recent announcements.
- 2
- News-admin.org
- Links to several top-level hierarchies, any of which may register a subdomain of news-admin.org for their hierarchy.
- 3
- Trigofacile.com: Hierarchies
- Canonical list of managed, unmanaged, local and private hierarchies with information on how to carry them: newsgroups list, PGP key, contact, URL.
- 4
- UK Usenet
- Homepage of the UK Usenet Committee. Information about usenet newsgroups in the United Kingdom.
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- Usenet Hierarchy Administration FAQ
- Provides help to Usenet hierarchy administrators who try to maintain the canonical lists of newsgroups in managed hierarchies.
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- aus.* Newsgroup Administration
- Provides the definitive list of all newsgroups in aus.* (Australia) including charters, voting instructions and information on creation of new aus.* newsgroups.
- 7
- cmeerw.org: openwatcom.*
- Presentation of the small hierarchy dedicated to the open source Open Watcom cross compilers. Archived control messages, list of bogus groups and servers carrying the hierarchy, news feeds for other servers.
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- Presentation of the gnu.* hierarchy, which is a collection of newsgroups about the Free Software Foundation's GNU Project. Most of these newsgroups correspond to GNU mailing lists.
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- it.*
- Site in Italian and English. Includes the PGP key for verifying control messages, servers configuration FAQ for the hierarchy and the latest checkgroups control message.
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- japan.*
- One of the hierarchies for Japan (along with fj.*). Checkgroups, sample control.ctl entry, policies.
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