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- Audium Corporation
- Provider of VoiceXML application software that simplifies the creation, deployment, and management of automated phone systems. Also offers turnkey VoiceXML IVR systems, both hosted and on-premise. Free trial of Voice Foundation Classes available for download.
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- Cyara Solutions
- Specialises in automated next generation testing solutions for IVRs, IVR applications and Contact center infrastructure.
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- Idylic
- France based company offering complete VoiceXML gateway and hosting services. Text-to-speech compliant with all major European languages: French, German, Italian, English, Portuguese, Spanish.
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- JVoiceXML
- VoiceXML interpreter for JAVA supporting JAVA APIs such as JSAPI and JTAPI. News, documentation, and downloads.
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- Occidental Communications
- Provides communications consulting, specializing in call center. Provides voice and data network analysis and design, telecommunication audits, product market analysis and telecommunication fraud analysis.
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- Phonologies (India) VoiceXML
- Phonologies develops and markets core voice technologies based on VoiceXML and SIP, and customized voice application solutions.
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- Plum Voice
- Provides IVR systems and software with full support for open standard VoiceXML scripting. Enhancement options include various speech recognition and text-to-speech engines, call center integration, outbound dialing.
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- Turn-key speech recognition IVR systems
- Turn-key IVR, CTI, WEB, and FAX systems emphasizing "self service" over the phone and web using speech recognition technology from IBM, Nuance, and SpeechWorks.
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- Verascape
- Provides a turn-key platform for running VoiceXML applications. Customization of hardware, speech recognition, text-to-speech, VoiceXML browser and cabling done in an ISO9000 facility. Installation in under a day.
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- Vocabase
- Markets VocaBase and VocaBase Studio which allow developing VoiceXML compatible automatic phone information services for large databases. Offers on-line access to its Studio, a free prototyping and testing environment for VoiceXML compatible applications. Based in Belgium.
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- Voiyager Dynamic Application Discovery
- Provider of call center solutions. News, products, and an online form to request a product demonstration.
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- ejTalk -- Human-Computer Conversational Systems
- Created Voice XML conversation applications on Tellme, Bevocal, Hey Anita, Voice Genie and other platforms. Focuses on comfortable conversation. Cute digital Shakespeare demo.
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- i6net Solutions and Technologies
- Provides multimodal content management systems with Web, VoiceXML, WAP, I-mode, interfaces. Based in Madrid, Spain.
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