Operating Systems
- 1604
- slackFTP
- A bootdisk that allows an install of Slackware to occur from an FTP site, using FTPFS, rather than from local media.
- 1605
- DistroWatch.com: SUSE Linux
- Links, news, downloads, and detailed feature information. Also details about software packages included with recent and future versions of this distribution.
- 1606
- Fou4s
- A lightweight alternative to YaST Online Update. Find downloads, mailing list, screenshots, and installation instructions.
- 1607
- Houghi's Experience
- News, reviews, and guides. Find links to popular software downloads and other community resources.
- 1608
- KDE RPMs for SuSE
- Selection of compiled software packages for the 7.X and 8.0 versions of this distribution.
- 1609
- OpenSUSE.us
- Unofficial forums for the community-driven version of this distribution. Topics include support for installation, networking, and hardware.
- 1610
- PackMan.Links2Linux
- Large collection of categorized i386 RPMs for recent versions of this distribution. English and German content.
- 1611
- SUSEroot
- Information for new users and those interested in trying this distribution. Find installation help, tutorials, news, and advocacy information.
- 1612
- Unofficial SuSE FAQ
- Information, tutorials, and other community-created support. Find related links and information on how to contribute.
- 1613
- openSUSE: Hardware
- Official searchable database of hardware known to work with this distribution. German and English versions.
- 1614
- usr local bin
- Signed i586 RPMs built by well-known community member James Ogley, available as direct downloads and apt repositories. Also find personal information, links, and a weblog.
- 1615
- Novell Gives SUSE Pro To Community
- Explains some details about Novell creating a community-driven version of this distro called openSUSE. Official quotes from Novell and comparison to similar Red Hat/Fedora Core project. (August 04, 2005)
- 1616
- Turbolinux, Inc.
- Distribution, products, and services for large scale, to small scale and web businesses. Strong in Asia Pacific region, largest Asian distribution, founded 1992. Sites in English, Chinese, Japanese.
- 1617
- Turbolinux Joins OSDL
- Japanese firm adds its expertise in demands of Asian markets to the non-profit Open Source Development Labs, a consortium of IT industry leaders formed to advance growth and adoption of Linux in business. [InternetNews] (August 27, 2003)
- 1618
- Technology Spotlight: TurboLinux
- Brief question and answer interview about firm, with president and co-founder Cliff Miller. [E-Commerce Times] (April 04, 2000)