Operating Systems
- 3821
- Linux/Open Source Users of Regina, Saskatchewan (LOSURS)
- LOSUR is a Linux Users' Group serving Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada and the surrounding area. The group was originally founded by Scott Wunsch in October 1998, and has been rapidly growing in membership since then. LOSURS currently has 376 members.
- 3823
- Kitchener-Waterloo Linux User Group
- Devoted to helping users new and old of Linux within the Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge and surrounding areas.
- 3824
- Ottawa Canada Linux Users Group (OCLUG)
- OCLUG was created to help promote Linux in the Ottawa area and maintains several mailing lists to help accomplish this goal and to provide technical support. OCLUG holds monthly general meetings.
- 3826
- Manitoba UNIX User Group (MUUG)
- A local group of computer users, based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, who share an interest in UNIX(R), Linux, and open systems technology.
- 3827
- Cowichan Valley Linux Users Group (CowLUG)
- An active community of Linux users of differing skill levels and areas of expertise