Operating Systems
- 2362
- Watchdog
- Watchdog is a real time firewall monitor. It monitors the system log for firewall log messages generated by a running firewall.
- 2363
- kift
- A client for giFT, the generic interface to FastTrackTM. FastTrack is a peer-to-peer network used by KaZaATM and MorpheusTM.
- 2365
- kphonecenter
- An application based on Rapidcom Voice for Windows. It is an app that lets you use a voice modem as an answering machine,and a Fax.
- 2366
- myldapklient
- A small LDAP-to-KAB bridging client. It provides a link from an LDAP server to KAB (and then to KMail).
- 2369
- Good old fashional artificial intelligence with a modern twist. A program to organize arbitrary kind of data into structure of nodes and interconnections.
- 2371
- KBerichtsheft
- Support for the "Berichtsheft", a kind of a report German trainees have to write about their apprenticeship. News about the application, documentation and download.
- 2373
- KGesture
- A gesture recognition application for KDE2. KGesture uses libstroke to recognize definable gestures, then run an associated command.
- 2374
- KMouth
- A KDE program which enables persons that cannot speak to let their computer speak, e.g. mutal people or people who have lost their voice. Description and software download.
- 2375
- KPrayerTime Applet
- This KDE applet provides a schedule of prayer times for the day. Software download and a few screenshots.
- 2376
- KRunning
- An application for handling running events. Manage runners, enter time, print results and certificates. Description, downloads, changelog. [Partly German]