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- A Comparative Analysis of Meta-programming and Aspect-Orientation
- Investigation of language constructs to support improved separation of crosscutting concerns. By Jeffrey G. Gray, Assistant Professor, University of Alabama, Birmingham. [PDF]
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- Code Generation is a Design Smell
- Controversy page on the original (Ward) Cunningham and Cunningham, Inc., Wiki.
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- Dynamic Languages Group - MIT AI Lab
- Covers reflection, self-modifying code or mutable MOPs, Dylan, and aspect-oriented programming.
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- Eclipse Modeling Project
- Focuses on evolving and promoting model-based development technologies by providing unified set of modeling frameworks, tooling, standards implementations; EMF, modeling framework and code generator to build tools and other programs based on structured data model. Descriptions, documents, downloads.
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- IPAD Pro
- Meta CASE tool. It allows developers to build CASE tools that allow end users to use graphical object manipulation to design and maintain end user systems. It incorporates a high level visual programming interface and provides multiplatform GUI and execution environment.
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- Tim Sheard's Page
- Researches the design, implementation, use of metaprogramming systems, created MetaML, many links on functional metaprogramming, NSF papers. Portland State University, Computer Science Department.
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- Gregor Kiczales's Page
- Coauthor of book: The Art of the Metaobject Protocol. Leading researcher of Aspect-Oriented Programming. Professor, computer science department, University of British Columbia.
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- Metaobject Protocol
- Information page on the original Wiki, at (Ward) Cunningham and Cunningham, Inc.
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- AutoGen
- A tool designed for generating program files that contain repetitive text with varied substitutions. This is especially valuable if there are several blocks of such text that must be kept synchronized. [Open Source, GPL]
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- CodeSmith
- A freeware template-based code generator that can generate code for any ASCII-based language. CodeSmith templates use a syntax nearly identical to ASP.NET syntax so that creating templates should feel immediately familiar to ASP.NET developers.
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- CodeWorker
- A parsing tool and a source code generator works on generative programming. It offers facilities for building a DSL, for generating code, for source-to-source translation or program transformation, for driving the automation process. [Open source, LGPL]
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- MetaL
- Metaprogramming Language, XML based source code; compiler engine can emit same program from MetaL source code to any supported target language, now Java, Perl, PHP; add others any time. Also home of Metastorage, program automatically emits code from a high level data model definition.
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- Somusar
- Allows generate software source code files (Java/SQL, PHP/mySQL, C#/ASP) base at data structure and data values in .ef (internal Somusar format) and XML files.
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