Component Frameworks
- 21
- Free ORB Watch
- Comparison of some free Java and C++ ORBs. Also includes news and announcements from free CORBA implementations.
- 24
- Evaluation of Interprocess Communication Methods in a Component-based Environment
- This thesis evaluates several of the available techniques for interprocess communications (IPC) in a prototype system for distributed components using XPCOM as the basis. It also takes into consideration marshalling, the transfer of complex data structures, it further discusses security, robustness and correctness.
- 26
- MozillaZine Knowledge Base - Implementing XPCOM in JavaScript
- Provides information about creating a JavaScript XPCOM class.
- 27
- - Mozilla XPCOM Project Wizard
- Creates XPCOM as ATL COM in Microsoft Vistual Studio 2005.
- 28
- Component Frameworks COM
- Lists books for sale on the topic of Component Object Model. Includes descriptions of individual books, reviews and purchase information.
- 29
- EDIdEv
- An EDI Development Kit to facilitate the development of EDI Applications. It has an ActiveX control and COM component to aid in Electronic Data Interchange programming. By EDIdEv LLC.
- 32
- Sensalgo
- ActiveX components as Visual Basic software downloads concerning Business, easy Programming and Interface are free to test.
- 33
- SofTulz.Net
- COM components such as Win32, Message Queue, Change Journal, Smtp and Ping. Components are event based and asynchronous. [Freeware]
- 34
- ITtoolbox ActiveX Discussion Group
- For the technical and functional discussion of Microsoft ActiveX technologies.
- 35
- CORBA Metaprogramming Mechanisms, Part 1
- Describes CORBA Portable Interceptors, which are objects that an ORB invokes in the path of an operation invocation to monitor or modify the behavior of the invocation transparently.
- 36
- CORBA and XML, Part 1: Versioning
- Takes a look at the relationship between XML and CORBA and explores the topic of versioning.
- 37
- CORBA and XML, Part 2: XML as CORBA Data
- Discusses various alternatives of passing XML-defined data between client and server. Concludes with a brief discussion of SOAP and Web Services and how they relate to CORBA.
- 38
- CORBA and XML, Part 3: SOAP and Web Services
- Compares SOAP and IIOP and then concludes that Web services and CORBA are not rivals, but instead are complementary.