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- E-Musings On Web Stuff
- Focuses on free software, including Mozilla products, download managers, and various Google services.
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- FlashLadyBug
- Reviews of hardware and software, as well as historic technology and hands-on tutorials.
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- Lynne's Take on Tech
- Silicon Valley media and technology commentary by Lynne Jolitz, writer for Byte and co-creator of 386BSD.
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- Marwan's Science and Technology Blog
- Presenting the latest information on gadgets, the Internet and scientific research. Focus on Middle Eastern technology development.
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- Oliver Brown
- Personal weblog about technology, programming and Google. Focused on games and online video.
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- Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
- This site talks about science, and about computing and technology news and trends. It also tries to discover how these new technologies are modifying our way of life.
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- Space Ninja
- Scott Vandehey, web producer. Posts on a variety of topics ranging from web development to video games and movies.
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- Technology Evangelist
- Offers news and opinion on emerging technology trends in hardware, software, webware, and web marketing.
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