Academic Departments
- 85
- Bangor University
- School of Computer Science. Research groups: Applied research in information systems; Control and instrumentation; Distributed and parallel systems; Radionavigation; Optoelectonics; Quantum computation and communication; Systems integration.
- 86
- Cardiff University
- Department of Computer Science. Research areas include Parallel and distributed computing, evolutionary and neural computing, heuristics for combinatorial optimization, computational spectral theory, vision, computational geometry, and federated information systems, object-oriented systems, constraints, data warehousing and data mining.
- 87
- Heriot-Watt University
- School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences. Departments of Actuarial Mathematics; Computer Science; Mathematics.
- 88
- Keele University
- Computer Science Department. Research groups: Data and Knowledge Engineering ; Geograhical Information Systems; Software Engineering.
- 89
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Department of Computing and Mathematics. Research groups: CARD - Centre for Agent Research and Development; Distributed systems; Information systems; Intelligent systems; Multimedia.
- 91
- Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory
- Hosted in the Division of Informatics of the University of Ulster. Helps companies in Northern Ireland and beyond gain competitive advantage through the application of advanced software technology.
- 92
- Queen's University, Belfast
- School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Research areas: High performance computing; Software engineering; Image and vision systems; Natural language and speech processing; Engineering and scientific applications.
- 94
- University of Bath
- Department of Computer Science. Research themes: Computational algebra and geometry; HCI; Multimedia computing; Systems software engineering.
- 95
- University of Birmingham
- School of Computer Science. Research in: Theoretical computer science; Applied computer science and software engineering; AI and cognitive science.
- 96
- University of Bristol
- Department of Computer Science. Research projects: Digital media (graphics, computer vision, speech); Cryptography and information security; Languages and architecture; Machine learning; Mobile and wearable computing; Quantum computing; System verification. Collaborative research centres: Safety Systems Research Centre; Advanced Computing Research Centre; Creative Technologies Centre.
- 97
- University of Kent at Canterbury
- Computing Laboratory. Research groups include Theoretical computer science, Networks and distributed systems, Software and systems engineering, Information systems, Parallel and scientific computing, and Computers and education research.
- 98
- University of Leicester
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. The Computer Science group specializes in Semantics, Formal methods, Software engineering, Complexity theory and Finite model theory.