Academic Departments
- 61
- Saarland, University
- Department of Computer Science. Areas of research include combinatorics, computational geometry, compilers for real-time embedded systems, formal modelling of circuits, computer architecture, description and planning logics, formal grammars, cryptography, and distributed algorithms.
- 62
- Würzburg, University
- Department of Computer Science. Research topics include information structures, knowledge-based systems, programming languages and methodology, distributed systems, theoretical computer science, technical computer science, artificial intelligence, and applied computer science.
- 64
- National Technical University of Athens
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Research labs cover algorithms and logic, digital signal processing, pattern recognition, multimedia, robotics, knowledge and database systems, network management, and software engineering.
- 65
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Department of Computer Science and Information Theory.
- 67
- Dublin City University
- School of Computer Applications. Up to date news and listing of course modules along with lecturers pages and notes. Research areas cover AI, software engineering, formal methods, quantitive methods, language technologies, interoperability, databases, educational technologies, security and multimedia.
- 68
- National University of Ireland, Galway
- Department of Information Technology. Research areas include AI (Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms), Applications (Remote Sensing Data Collecting Systems and TCP/IP), Information Retrieval and Filtering, Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics.
- 69
- University College Cork
- Centre for Unified Computing: focused on the exploitation of the condensed graph model of computing.
- 70
- University College Cork
- Department of Computer Science. Research areas: Algorithms, Unified Computing, Computer Communications, Security, Computer Simulation, Constraint Based Reasoning, Digital Video Compression, Expert Systems, Intelligent Information Agents, Neural Networks, Object-Oriented Database Systems, Distributed and Parallel Processing, Semantics of programming languages, Theory and Formal Methods.
- 71
- University of Limerick (ECE)
- Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering. Research areas include Digital Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Data Security, Wireless Communications, Optical Communications and Fibre Sensors.
- 72
- Florence, University of
- Department of Systems and Computer Science. Research areas include adaptive and predictive control, algorithms and data structures, applied mathematics, artificial intelligence, bioengineering and medical informatics, combinatorics, computer vision, databases, formal methods, modeling and identification, nonlinear dynamics, operations research, robust control, and software engineering.
- 73
- University of Latvia, Riga
- Institute of Electronics and Computer Science. Research laboratories: Digital Alias-Free Signal Processing Laboratory; Timing Measurement Laboratory; Sampled Signal Conversion Laboratory; Mixed Signal Processing Laboratory; Microprocessor System Laboratory; Logic System Modeling Laboratory; Computer Network Management Laboratory; Application Specific Remote Data Processing Laboratory.
- 75
- Vilnius University
- Facult of Mathematics and Informatics. Includes Departments of Computer Science I and II, Department of Software Engineering.
- 76
- Vilnius University
- Department of Computer Science II. Interests: algorithms, computer vision and sound; computer-aided geometry and symbolic computation; Internet technology and information systems; modelling and scientific computing.