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- Airoldi, Edoardo
- Harvard University. Statistical and computational elements for the analysis of complex graphs and interacting dynamical systems, including yeast molecular biology and social networks. Overview of publications and activities.
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- Alkhalifa, Eshaa
- University of Bahrain. Multimedia adaptable intelligent tutoring systems, student modeling, cognitive style.
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- Allen, James F.
- University of Rochester. Natural language understanding, discourse, knowledge representation, common-sense reasoning and planning.
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- Bacchus, Fahiem
- University of Toronto. Planning systems, temporal logic, constraint satisfaction problems and formal models.
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- Benjamin, D. Paul
- Pace University. Problem decomposition and theory reformulation, integrated cognitive architectures for autonomous robots, distributed constraint satisfaction problems, semigroup theory and dynamical systems, category theory in software design.
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- Blum, Avrim
- Carnegie Mellon University. Interests include machine learning, approximation algorithms, on-line algorithms and planning systems. Online publications and talks.
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- Brachman, Ron
- Director of the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) at DARPA. Knowledge representation, machine learning, information retrieval, natural language processing.
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- Branting, L. Karl
- LiveWire Logic, Inc. Empirical methods of natural language processing, case-based reasoning, AI and law, ecological and environmental applications of AI.
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- Carpenter, Julie
- University of Washington (Educational Psychology/Learning Sciences/LIFE Center). Human-robot attachment; robot-human interaction in stressful conditions, especially in dyad teamwork or collaborative situations.
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- Carreras, Xavier
- Universitat Politechnica de Catalunya, PhD student, machine learning, natural language processing.
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- Cassell, Justine
- Carnegie Mellon University. Gesture and narrative language, animated agents, intonation, facial expression, computer vision.
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- Chavez, Guillermo Camara
- Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. Pattern recognition, invariante pattern recognition, neural networks, image content-base retrieval, digital image processing, computer vision.
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- Conati, Cristina
- University of British Columbia. User modeling, emotionally intelligent agents, adaptive user interfaces, Bayesian network student models.
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- Conitzer, Vincent
- Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science. Phd Student. Intersection of computer science and game theory, computer science and economics, multiagent systems, automated negotiation and contracting.
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- Delord, Christophe
- ENSEEIHT, France, Computer Science engineer, Artificial Intelligence (dialogue simulation, speech acts, PROLOG), Python, lexical and syntactic parsing.