Genetic Programming
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- A definitive source of information about the field of genetic programming with links and conferences.
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- Bibliography on Genetic Programming
- A nearly complete bibliography of papers published on genetic programming. Part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection.
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- Distributed Genetic Programming Framework
- A scalable, distributed Java genetic programming environment. It comes with a specialization for evolving assembler-syntax algorithms that could run on sensor nodes.
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- ECLab at GMU
- The George Mason University Evolutionary Computation Laboratory, headed by Profs. Kenneth De Jong and Sean Luke.
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- GAUL: Genetic Algorithm Utility Library
- A programming library designed to aid development of applications that use genetic algorithms.
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- Genetic Programming Bibliography
- A large single file containing an genetic programming bibliography. Lacks a search function.
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- Genetic Programming Inc.
- A privately funded research group that does research in applying genetic programming.
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- Groovy Java Genetic Programming
- Genetic Programming (JGProg) is an open-source pure Java implementation of a strongly-typed Genetic Programming experimentation platform.
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- Interactive Truck Demo
- Demonstrates the use of genetic algorithms in solving the trailer truck backing up problem.
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- John R. Koza
- Inventor of genetic programming and author of numerous published papers on genetic programming at Stanford University.
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- Natural Selection Inc.
- Applies unique expertise in evolutionary computation and evolved neural networks to real-world problems.
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- Simple Symbolic Regression Using Genetic Programming
- Java applet based on an algorithm of John R. Koza.
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- Teamwork in Genetic Programming
- Thesis and software demonstrating teamwork in genetic programming. Simulates evolving software emulating ants and collective behavior.
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- Toolkit for Visual Genetic Programming
- A GP toolkit for exploring problems which don't have a natural fitness function and need human intuition to select the "best of the breed."
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- eXtreme Genetic Programming
- Applies the concepts of evolution to both software and the software process.
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- Bibliography on Genetic Algrorithms
- Genetic algorithm citations starting with ICGA and FOGA. Part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection at the Universitat Karlsruhe in Germany.
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- Cell Matrix Corporation
- Publications describe an application of their computer architecture to genetic algorithms. Software includes an online circuit simulator.
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- Evolutionary Design of Neural Architectures
- Information, bibliography and resources on evolutionary synthesis of neuromorphic systems. Maintained by the Artificial Intelligence Research Group at Iowa State University.
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