- 1
- Archive Index Systems, Inc.
- Document imaging software, hardware, and implementation support services.
- 2
- Digital Scanning, Inc.
- Provides electronic print on demand services and microfilm to image file conversion.
- 3
- FUJIFILM Electronic Imaging Ltd
- Supplies electronic pre-press equipment and software open imaging systems.
- 5
- DigitalDrawer from AscendoSoft
- Offers document imaging software and services enabling any business to easily image all of its paper records and manage them electronically.
- 8
- KBM Group, Inc.
- Specializes in IT, imaging, and micrographics, in addition to sales of computer and electronic data imaging hardware and software solutions.
- 9
- LizardTech
- Compression software and tools for geographic data, document management, and web distribution.
- 10
- MicroVue Products
- Manufacturers of motorized microfilm readers. Includes equipment and documentation.
- 11
- Microfacs
- Specializes in paper, microform and aperture card conversion to digital formats, plus micrographic equipment sales.
- 12
- Océ
- Global provider of document management systems and services, including hardware, software and digital printing solutions.
- 13
- Princeton Imaging, Inc.
- Providing document imaging and conversion services. Specializing in producing electronic libraries of scholarly and scientific journals.
- 15
- Scan-Optics, Inc.
- Designs, manufactures, markets and services information processing systems used for imaging, data capture, document processing and management of information. Subsidiary in Watford, England, headquartered in Manchester, Connecticut. (Nasdaq: SOCR)
- 16
- ScanSmart
- Specializes in conversions from CANOFILE, Docstar, microfilm, micro fiche, or paper to portable TIFF and PDF formats.
- 17
- ScanSource, Inc.
- Distributes value-added automatic identification and point of sale products, including bar code scanners, portable data collection terminals and magnetic stripe readers. Includes office locations throughout the USA and Canada. (Nasdaq: SCSC)
- 18
- Scanning and Data Solutions Ltd
- Develops document management, digital and microfilm scanning solutions.
- 19
- Schawk, Inc.
- Provider of imaging solutions. Lists divisions, investors, and company and contact information. (NYSE: SGK)
- 20
- Shoreline Records Management, Inc.
- Offers document storage, records management, and file scanning services.
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