Catalysts and Adsorbents
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- CRI Catalyst Company
- Subsidiary of Shell, specializing in catalysts for refinery processes, petrochemical manufacture, hydrogen production, and environmental applications.
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- Cycletrol Industries
- Producer of a range of natural odor, moisture, and mildew control products based on zeolites. Overview of products, distributors, and technical information.
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- Dalian Hongda Co., Ltd.
- Manufacturer of 3A, 4A, 5A and 13X zeolites in China. Products targeted at the natural gas and chemical industries. Summary information.
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- Dynamic Adsorbents
- Provides sorbents for preparative chromatography at the pilot and production scale. Products include alumina, silica gels, polyamide, a pesticide-selective sorbent, as well as tubing supplies.
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- GeeJay Chemicals
- United Kingdom manufacturer of desiccants: silica gel, silica gel sachets and molecular sieves.
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- HRP Industries
- Manufacturer of activated fullers earth. Used for the bleaching of industrial oils, mineral oils and edible oils.
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- Incal Mineral
- Producer and exporter of natural clinoptilolite zeolite mined in Turkey. Overview of products and applications.
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- Kocat, Inc.
- Korean producer of environmental catalysts and adsorbents for removal of CO, halogens, NOx, ozone, VOCs, and dioxins.
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- Nantong Dongyang Desiccant Manufacture Co., Ltd.
- Supplier of silica gel desiccants and lime desiccants.
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- Refoil Earth Pvt. Ltd.
- Manufacturer of bleaching clays in India, converting raw material from its own mine using dry and wet processes, for use in refining vegetable and mineral oils, animal fats, and waxes.
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- Supplier of molecular sieve and alumina adsorbents and custom catalysts. Detailed overview of application areas.
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- Wisepac Active Packaging Components Co., Ltd.
- Manufacturer of desiccants and dehumidification supplies in pouches, canisters, strips, and other formulations. China.
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- Zeo Inc.
- Producer of a range of natural zeolite products, for use in horticulture, as animal feed and filter media, and fillers. Located in Texas.
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- Zeochem AG
- Manufactures molecular sieve (zeolite) adsorbents and catalysts, as well as silica gel for chromatography and desiccant applications. Headquartered in Switzerland.
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- Zhengzhou Gold Mountain Science And Technique Co. Ltd.
- Production, research and development of zeolite molecular sieve products.
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- Activated Carbon Technologies Pty Ltd
- Supplier of coal- and coconut-derived activated carbon and anthracite, offering products in powdered, granular, and pelletized forms. Primarily serves the Australia and New Zealand markets.
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- Cameron Carbon Inc.
- Offers virgin and reprocessed carbons from various raw materials, as well as specialized filtration media and modular systems. Overview of products and applications. Maryland, USA.
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- Carbon Activated Corp.
- Manufactures and distributes granular, pelletized, and powdered activated carbon derived from coconut shell and coal. California.
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- Golden Lake Carbon Co., Ltd.
- Manufacturing and exporting a wide range of activated carbon products.
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