Humanities subcat
- 1
- Voice of the Shuttle
- Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Features a history of the project, news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors.
- 2
- American Council of Learned Societies
- Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations. Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities, publications, and news.
- 3
- Australian Humanities Review
- Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly. Features full-text articles, contact details for the editorial board, as well as information for authors.
- 4
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies
- Features links to resources in Literature, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Classics, Film Studies, and Theater Arts. Also offers a calendar of events and publications. Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford.
- 5
- California Council For The Humanities
- Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating, sponsoring and promoting change.
- 6
- Modern Humanities Research Association
- Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities, especially modern European languages and literatures (including English).
- 7
- National Humanities Institute
- Promotes research, publishing, and teaching in the humanities, with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society.
- 8
- Penn Humanities Forum
- University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs, fellowships and seminars. Features information on the program, calendar of events and links to related resources.
- 9
- The WWW Virtual Library: Humanities
- A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Göteborg University, Sweden. Features categories devoted to Archaeology, History, Philosophy, Religion, and academic departments, as well as general resources.
- 10
- Utah Humanities Council
- Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection, conversation and action. Features a description of the organization and activities. Also offers a calendar of events and contact details.
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- Washington Commission For The Humanities
- Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue.
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