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Saxon Crown Swimming Club

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Scan day: 06 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Offers information about the club, its rules and procedures, squad makeup and times, competitions and results. Based in south-east London, the club teaches beginners and offers competitive age-group, disability and masters swimming.
Hopefully you are looking forward to a nice week off from school... But if you're not lucky enough to be going away then we are still hard training for our upcoming competitions... Most of us are on the Half Term training camp which is at Crystal Palace on Tuesday and Wednesday. For those of you not of the training camp then some of your sessions will be be affected as coaches at at the camp, but we have tried our best to keep the changes to a minimum...
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Contact Information



Page title:Saxon Crown Swimming Club
Keywords:Lewisham, Swimming, Saxon, Crown, Club, SE, London, Ladywell, Bromley, Deptford, Forest Hill, Downham, Tiger Sharks, Disability, Learn, Swim, Masters, Competitive,
Description:Saxon Crown Swimming Club | Lewisham's SE London | Friendly club catering for all abilities from learners to national competitor.