MainSportsWater SportsSurf Life Saving › Australian Surf Rowers League

Australian Surf Rowers League

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Scan day: 10 February 2014 UTC
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Description: The governing body in Australia for all people interested in and participating in the sport of surf boat rowing. The site contains useful information as well as an event calendar and regular results and updates.
Kunena Internal Error: Please contact the site administrator to fix this issue! Pay Individual Membership Online ASRL Minutes & Newsletters With the strong crew numbers supporting the ASRL Open in NSW, which undoubtedly would suffer signifiant number loss if shifted interstate, should the event be shifted out of NSW?
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Contact Information



Page title:Australian Surf Rowers League
Keywords:ASRL, Australian, Surf, Rowers, surfrowers, surf rowers, surf rowing, surfboats, League, Australian Surf Rowers League, Australia, surfboat, surf, boat, surf boat, surf boats, boats, rowing, rower, surf clubs, surf club, surf life saving, life, saving, lifesaving, sport, competition, events, grand prix, forum, chat forum, ASRLQ, ASRLNSW, ASRLV, news, hall of fame, results, classifieds
Description:The ASRL represents the surf rowers of Australia, guiding the development and promoting the advancement of National surfboat competition at both grassroots and elite levels.