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EduKick England Football & Education Academy

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Description: Offers academic year course options to practice football and study English language or BTEC in Sports Science in Bolton.
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Keywords:edukick Manchester, soccer news, football news, football academy, football school, education, secondary education, online learning, distance learning, BTEC Sports Science, US High School grades 9-12, GCSEs, online school, English language study, ESL, EFL, Manchester, Manchester City Football Club, Football Development, Team, Platt Lane, football academies, edukick, ij tours, Brookhouse, Manchester soccer school, Manchester football academy, UK soccer academies, English soccer, soccer England, England, Great Britain, Europe, study in England, English education, US High School, futbol, football, English, 2013 football academies, professional trials, try-outs, football academy 2013 US, learn English, American High School Online, Distance Learning, Private High School USA, American Boarding School, English language study, English language courses, online English, residential football academy England, football academy UK, residential football course, football academies with education, academics and football in England, soccer and education in England, academic soccer academy, online school, online education, online American high school, high school online, online schooling, online school courses, online courses, distance education, virtual American high school, distance learning, correspondence learning, soccer academy boarding school England, soccer school Manchester, soccer boarding schools England, soccer schools England, soccer camps in England, soccer camp UK, Man City, MCFC, International Academy, inlingua Manchester, international soccer academies, football courses UK, international, academies, international soccer camps, youth soccer schools, youth soccer academy, youth soccer academies in Manchester, soccer players, student athletes, football academy, English soccer academies, soccer academy in Manchester, English soccer, campus de futbol inglaterra, escuela de futbol Manchester, camp de soccer, Manchester soccer academies, UK soccer academy, English study, English boarding school, soccer academy with school, soccer trials England, soccer try-outs England, soccer tryouts, stages, 2013 soccer camps, 2013 soccer schools, 2013 football camps in England, 2013 soccer academy camps, 2013 stages football, soccer schools in europe, 2013 campus de Fútbol en Manchester, soccer academy international, English soccer camps, UK Soccer courses, soccer courses in England, elite soccer schools UK, best soccer schools in UK, soccer training camps UK, Elite soccer camps UK, football camps England, summer soccer schools in England, summer soccer camps Manchester, summer soccer England, team soccer tours Manchester, football tours to England, summer soccer camp in the UK, boys soccer camps, academia de futbol inglesa, academias con futbol, campus de futbol Manchester, camp de futbol UK, girls soccer camps England, English residential soccer camps, English boarding soccer camps, Soccer fitness training, virtual soccer trainer, Dr. Javier Mallo, private football trainer, football training exercises, physio, personal soccer trainer, gym training for soccer, private soccer trainer
Description:EduKick Manchester Football and Education Academy Boarding School located in Manchester, England is a full-time professional football development academy with its own private school academics (secondary education, BTEC Sports Science, US High School grades 9-12, GCSEs, online school, English language study, ESL, EFL). Players from 14-24 can register to study and train daily with Manchester City Football Club’s Football Development Team at the Platt Lane complex academy grounds in Manchester.