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Introduction to Pesapallo

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Description: Features rules, diagrams, history, comparison to baseball, and teams in Finland.
Have you cried for a team sport in which boys and girls can play together? Are you tired of watching boring baseball and do you prefer faster and more tactical batting sports? Pesapallo (FINNISH BASEBALL) is the game for you ! --------------------------------------- INTERNET INTRODUCTION TO o . o FINNISH BASEBALL |- \| PESAPALLO .,_o_ / \ / \ ==---o__ / \ EDITED by Jari Pullinen [email protected] --------------------------------------- This is an introduction article to the world of PESAPALLO! Feel free to copy this file unmodified wherever you want. TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------- 0. VERSION INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF PESAPALLO RULES 2. PESAPALLO VS. BASEBALL 3. THE SEVEN DECADES OF PESAPALLO IN FINLAND 4. THE HISTORY OF PESAPALLO IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 4.1 AUSTRALIA 4.2 ESTONIA 4.3 LITHUANIA 4.4 JAPAN 4.5 SWEDEN 4.6 GERMANY 5. INTERNATIONAL PESAPALLO CUPS 5.1 WORLD CUP 5.2 INVITATION CUPS 6. NATIONAL PESAPALLO LEAGUES 6.2 FINLAND (SUPERPESIS) 6.3 SWEDEN 6.4 ESTONIA 6.5 GERMANY 7. HOW TO START ? WHERE TO OBTAIN MORE INFORMATION ? 7.1 OLD FASHIONED POST 7.2 TELEPHONE 7.3 TELEFAX OR TELEX 7.4 INTERNET 7.5 OTHER 8. PESAPALLO AND INTERNET 8.1 NEWSGROUPS 8.2 FTP-SITE FTP.FUNET.FI 8.3 E-MAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. VERSION INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS VERSION NUMBER 1.02 LAST DATE MODIFIED 23.10.93 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many articles have been taken from Finnish Baseball rules booklets, Pesapallo yearbooks of various years and World Cup I information guide. Thanks to authors! EDITOR'S NOTE Actually the name of the game is pes{pallo { = a with two dots, but because it could mess up some terminals i have converted all a's with two dots (or {'s) to a's. Please note this! ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SUMMARY OF PESAPALLO RULES In a pesapallo game there are two teams playing against each other. The game takes place on an exactly measured field and according to the detailed rules. The teams alterna
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