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Tai Chi Finder

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Scan day: 06 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Tai chi listings by place and name (internationally but mainly UK and Ireland). News, events, free club listings, shop selling tai chi videos and outfits.
Tai Chi Finder Directory and Shop - a Chinese system of self-development with relaxed, fluid movements - is recognised as being good for stress, balance, blood pressure and general health. which contains thousands of listings for taiji, qigong and related exercises / martial arts. We represent a diverse community from the dedicated practitioner of Chinese martial arts such as tai chi chuan to followers of simpler practices such as health qigong and tai chi for arthritis that help us cope with the challenges of life.
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Page title:Tai Chi Finder Directory and Shop
Keywords:tai chi feiyue classes tuition uk gb qigong
Description:Tai Chi and Qigong tuition - 3000 free listings of classes, events, news and articles. Selling the ever-popular Feiyue shoes, videos and outfits UK, Europe, GB.