- 41
- A World Bike Tour - Forever
- A short article about Heinz Stucke, who has spent four decades on the road, non-stop, visiting every country on the planet.
- 42
- Bicycle
- Discusses bike touring independently versus as part of an organized group. Includes information on packing, as well as the author's Vietnam and Turkey rides, and an article about the time he was jailed as a spy.
- 43
- Bicycle Tours of Thomas Driemeyer
- Bicycle tour reports in France, Italy, USA, Germany, and elsewhere. Also lists Velophil tours in and near Berlin, and contains links to other servers.
- 44
- Bike It Solo
- Emmanuel Gentinetta cycles the Pan-American Highway from Alaska to Argentina. Reports, photographs, and maps.
- 45
- Bike Tracks Around the World
- A living creation of Kristal and Larry's trip around the world in the year 2000.
- 46
- Bike Trip 2001 (Prague - New Delhi)
- Bicycle trip starting in Prague, Czech Republic and finishing in New Delhi, India. The trip is going through Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.
- 47
- Corax Around the World by Bicycle
- Cycling in over 50 countries, off beat places like Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Tibet, Colombia, Bermuda, Belize, Bosnia and Laos.
- 48
- Cycle Logic
- Cycle touring photos from Sardinia, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the US.
- 49
- Cycling with the Blayleys
- John and Pamela devote a lot of time to cycling. Cycling is a source of transportation, recreation and vacation. On this site, you'll find stories and pictures from various cycling trips, and tips for various activities, gleaned from experience.
- 50
- Desert cycling around the world
- Solo on dirt tracks in the Sahara, crossing the Andes and exploring the Altiplano and ending almost tragic on the KKH in Pakistan. [English and Deutsch content.]
- 51
- Fred and Andrew's Trip Around the World
- The chronicles of the BikeBrats adventures in 45 countries during their two-year trip around the world.
- 52
- Heinz Stücke Around the World by Bicycle
- His mission in life to seek out new places to travel to on his trusty three-speed bike that he has used since the 1960's.
- 53
- Hugh Currin's Personal Page
- These tours are self supported camping trips in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
- 56
- Minko's Touring Accounts
- Reports from a number of tours, some by recumbent, within many countries in Europe and also North America.
- 57
- Mountain Biking in China, the USA and Cuba
- Mountain Biking adventures atop the Great Wall of China, to the highest natural point in each of the 50 United States, and across Cuba.
- 58
- Mountainbike Expedition Team
- Waltraud Schulze and Andy Heßberg's bike touring, extreme expeditions worldwide: Greenland, Patagonia, Mongolia, Lappland, Naimibia, Siberia.