Geeks and Nerds
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- Geek Chic
- A look at the Geek Lifestyle as fashion. Includes an entertaining collecting of essays on Geek Culture.
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- Geek Code
- The official site. If you hadn't got sick of it you can still identify exactly what sort of geek you are and create your own Geek Code Block.
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- Geek Code 3.12 CODEC
- Geek code generator executable file available for Windows and DOS operating systems.
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- Geek Culture
- A celebration of all that's geeky including geek love, geeky cartoons, geeky downloads, and geek erotica.
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- LinuxChix.Org
- A social site helping to co-ordinate regional chapters. Offers mailing lists and articles.
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- Nerds, Outcast and Misfit Resources
- Aimed at teens who feel like misfits in school, support is offered to help them cope and develop their own sense of geek pride.
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- Peer 2 Peer Personals
- Dating for geeks from the User Friendly people. Meet like minded individuals for correspondence.
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- The Geek Code Decoder Page
- This page allows you to enter a geek code to decode it. It works with Geek Code Version 3.12.
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- The Urban Geekosphere
- Dedicated to a comprehensive study of all geek culture. Lexicon. places of note, humor, and some event listings.
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- BBspot
- The news from a geek's perspective. BBspot delivers current events alongside technology-specific items with a satiric and technical flavor.
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