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- Emo (slang)
- An article from Wikipedia, defining aspects of "emo" subculture, - music, fashion and personality.
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- Emo Corner
- Created to help explain what emo is, the site illustrates fashion and hairstyles, provides collection of emo-related resources and a forum for emo people.
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- Emo Scene Community
- Personal web site promoting Emo culture and inviting new members to contribute. Contains articles, pictures, and forum.
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- How Emo Are You
- The quiz in few minutes tells whether the person taking it qualifies for the title of Emo.
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- How to Be Emo
- The one who wants to get in touch with his or her inner emo, will find the way at wikiHow.
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- Luv-emo
- Find out what emo means and visit scene section full of emo hair tips and pictures of girls and boys.
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- EMO Cult Warning For Parents - Mail Online
- Parents may forget gloomy, pale-faced and self obsessed Goths, there is another darker cult to worry about. (August 16, 2006)
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