Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous of Greater Cincinnati
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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Local meetings information for Cincinnati, OH and Northern KY.
the Greater Cincinnati Intergroup Serving Cincinnati, Ohio and Northern Kentucky The Intergroup picnic is on June 8th starting at 4 P.M. at the Quaker House. See the attached for more details.
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Page title: | S.L.A.A. Cincinnati Intergroup |
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Description: | Greater Cincinnati Ohio and Northern Kentucky Augustine Fellowship of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. A 12 Step program to recover from sex, love, relationship and romance addictions. <title>Greater Cincinnati Ohio and Northern Kentucky Augustine Fellowship of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous</title> <meta name="Description" content="Greater Cincinnati Ohio and Northern Kentucky Augustine Fellowship of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. A 12 Step program to recover from sex, love, relationship and romance addictions."> <meta name="KeyWords" content="SLAAFWS, sex addiction, love addiction, 12-step, 12-step group, 12 step recovery, twelve step, twelve step group, twelve step recovery, recovery, 12-step meetings, links, literature, s.l.a.a., recovery, S.L.A.A., information, help, addiction recovery, slaa, serenity prayer, 12 traditions, freedom from withdrawal, 40 questions for self-diagnosis, anorexia, sponsor, isolation, fellowship, welcome, sponsorship, preamble, relationship, healthy relationship, first step, one day at a time, Cincinnati, Cinci, Cinti"> |
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