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The Repression of Childhood Sexuality

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Description: The history of childhood in western culture and how it has led to a 'cult of childhood' which does not recognize children as sexual beings.
THE CULT OF CHILDHOOD AND THE REPRESSION OF CHILDHOOD SEXUALITY by Bill Paris COPYRIGHTED 1995 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (Author's note: The following should be regarded as a preliminary document. In it I attempt to highlight issues in which I have had a considerable interest for a number of years, about which I have done some research and about which I have even written in a previous paper, "The Body, Sex and Christianity". I intend to continue my study and produce a more comprehensive report later, perhaps in a different form. However, the understanding of childhood sexuality in our culture is deplorable at this point. The attitude of both Christians and even secular people seems to be growing more reactionary and paranoid in spite of the notion that our society is becoming more liberal sexually. In addition, questions and issues related to childhood sexuality are often raised in our Internet discussions. These reasons seem to call for an attempt at this time to begin dealing with some of these critical issues.) WHAT IS CHILDHOOD? In my opinion, much of the confusion that exists in our society about childhood sexuality traces to a failure to understand historical and cultural developments. There is, for example, a prevailing view in our society that "children" shouldn't "have sex." When this is said, what is meant by "children" and what is meant by "having sex"? Should childhood be defined by civil law that indicates the legal age at which a person may engage in sexual intercourse (is this what is meant, by the way, by "having sex"?)? What about the fact that in the United States this age, referred to as the "age of consent," varies widely among states? These ages range from a low of 12 in Delaware to 18 in many states. Or does childhood end when a person can legally buy and consume alcohol, which also varies state to state and does not necessarily coincide with the age of consent. Or does a person become an adult when he can drive, vote
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