Prostitutes Education Network
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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Information about prostitute rights, working conditions and the history of prostitution. Geared for students and activists.
Prostitution Issues: Prostitutes Education Network National March for Sex Worker Rights - International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers Tell us about how you found us, and your interests and research on prostitution issues.
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Page title: | Prostitution Issues: Prostitutes Education Network |
Keywords: | prostitution blog, sex worker blog, prostitution, prostitutes, trafficking, decriminalization, rights, legalization, Carol Leigh, Scarlot Harlot, Swedish Prostitution Laws, exotic dancers, trafficking, whore, prostitute, prostitute, pimp, street walker, sex work, sex worker, legalize prostitution, decriminalize prostitution, transgender, dancers |
Description: | Prostitution, trafficking and other sex work issues from a prostitutes rights perspective including trafficking, police abuse, decriminalization of prostitution. |
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