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- Cardiac Yoga
- System of yoga for heart patients includes modified postures, breathing and meditation. Site offers workshops for heart patients, yoga teacher training, educational materials.
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- - The Yoga Channel
- Site uses RealAudio to offer yoga teaching experience. Information and walk-throughs for pranayam, asana, kriya, ananda, and mantra practices. (Works best with high-speed Internet connection.)
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- YogaEverywhere
- Site describes simple daily practices, including breathing exercises, meditation and a set of yoga stretches that can be done at the keyboard. Also online newsletter.
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- Global Yoga Journeys
- Offer yoga vacations, retreats, and teacher training in Costa Rica, Swiss Alps, Tuscany, and New England.
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- Gray Bear
- Hohenwald, Tennessee based lodge offers weekend or week long yoga retreats at their facility.
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- Hatha Yoga: Greece
- Content, location, and price of the Yoga courses conducted in Aliki on Paros islands.
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- Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga
- Small family owned and operated centers in Costa Rica and Peru. Retreats are designed and led by Sonya Luz Hinton.
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- Heart and Mind Programme
- Events and retreats in England and Ireland. Led by experienced yoga and meditation teacher.
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- Hridaya Hermitage
- Offer retreats in Hatha Yoga, Meditation, and healing. Located in Industry, Maine, United States.
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- Ibiza Yoga, Spain
- Retreat near Benirras Beach describes teachers, accommodations and dynamic ashtanga yoga courses starting in May 2002.
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- Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
- Information about residential workshops, professional training, and retreats in yoga, holistic health, and self-discovery.