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- Twin Flame Foundation
- The co-creation of Donna TalkingLeaves and Mats Aguila. Since 1988 their dedication to healing the "separation of body and mind, substance and spirit" has been the catalyst for their work.
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- Walking With The Moon
- An interesting collection of stories and articles on the nature of shamanism and its practice in the contemporary world.
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- Woodish Institute
- A non-profit organization devoted to education about shamanism and to the creation of innovative projects aimed at the preservation of indigenous healing methods.
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- Aziz Shamanism
- Shamanism is an art in which the individual wakes up to reality by shedding the illusions of humanity and withdrawing into the wilderness to learn directly from nature.
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- Creativity, Healing, & Shamanism
- A dynamical systems model of the creative process and transformational experiences in shamanic emergence. Three exceptional encounters are used as examples.
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- Dancing Bear Way
- Shamanic healing practices from a variety of traditions along with several New Age practices are described.
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- Faeryluna
- Jennifer Sanfilippo, a shamanic and spiritual healer, uses soul retrieval, past life regression, psychopomp, chakra and aura cleansing.
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- Rainbow Sun Healing Centre
- Holistic healing centre in British Columbia, Canada offers sacred, shamanic healing for illness, grief, pain, crisis on all levels of being.
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- Shaman Ross Bishop
- The healing methods and teachings of shaman Ross Bishop. Includes Ross' writings, workshops and healing books.
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- Spiritual and Shamanic Healing Journeys
- Information on Brazil journeys with author Josie RavenWing: experience the world's most powerful healer, "miracle man" Joao de Deus, and shamanic ceremonies...
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- A Spirit Talk Gathering
- Offers workshops in gaining balance and healing through experiential wisdom.
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- Alida Birch, Healer
- Offers soul retrieval, shamanism, divinatory tarot readings, spiritual counseling and compassionate spiritual healing
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- Blue Morpho Tours
- Shamanic and spiritual tours and workshops to the Peruvian Amazon, with traditional shamans who practice the ancient and mystical healing arts of the jungle.
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- Creativity, Healing, and Shamanism: The Workshop
- A 4 day workshop that will teach the Shaman's art of entering sacred space within the framework of traditional shamanism, chaos theory and emerging science, and the World's Spiritual traditions.
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- Shamanism in Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Shamanastic studies, practices, retreats and workshops available in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Dynamic meditation and guided shamanic traveling are only part of the programs offered by in Chaingmai.
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- Nicholas Noble Wolf - Traditional Shaman and Honored Man
- Traditionally initiated shaman offering ceremonials, classes, workshops, and doctorings for a variety of conditions world-wide.
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- One Year Program in Advanced Shamanism
- A training program in Advanced Shamanism beginning March 1, 2002. Topics covered include different techniques for entering non-ordinary reality, healing techniques, mask making and drum making.
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- Shamanism Ireland
- Resources on shamanism and shamanic land practices in Ireland including courses, workshops, holidays, healing therapy and sacred site guided tours.
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