Catholic Encyclopedia: Laban
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Description: Commentary on the father of Leah and Rachel from the traditional Catholic perspective.
Son of Bathuel, the Syrian (Gen. xxviii, 5; cf. xxv, 20); grandson of Nachor, Abraham's brother (xxii, 20, 23); cf. xxiv, 5, where he is called "son of Nachor"; brother of Rebecca (xxiv, 29, 55; xxv, 20; xxvii, 43; xxviii, 5); uncle of Jacob (xxviii, 2; xxix, 10) and also his father-in-law (xxix, 25; xxx, 25; xxxi, 20; cf. xxix, 12, 15; xiii, 8, where he is called his "brother"); the father of Lia and Rachel (xxix, 16) and of several sons (xxx, 35; xxxi, 1). Laban's home was in Haran (xxvii, 43; xxix, 4), the city of Nachor (xxiv, 10), in Mesopotamia of
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Page title: | CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Laban |
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Description: | Son of Bathuel, the Syrian |
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