Apologetics Wicca Page
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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Directory of links for Wiccan sites and resources. Includes an archive of news articles.
This is an archived entry. It is relevant, but no longer updated. Witchcraft, or Wicca, is a form of . It is officially recognized as a religion by the This is a diverse movement that knows no central authority. Practitioners do not all have the same views, beliefs and practices.
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Page title: | Witchcraft, Wicca |
Keywords: | wicca, witchcraft, the craft, neo-paganism, pagan, magick, paganism, religious cults, apologetics, religious, cult, cults, sect, sects, alternative new religious movements, tolerance, freedom, religion news, world religions, minority, anticult, anti-cult, countercult, counter-cult, cult experts apologists, christian, index, database, encyclopedia, glossary, archive, countercult.com |
Description: | Research resources on Wicca and Witchraft |
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