- 401
- Assembly of the Sacred Wheel
- Parent Wiccan group operating in the Mid-Atlantic region; currently consists of four covens.
- 402
- Gardnerian Book of Shadows, The
- Text only copy of the book as written by Gardner. Includes all known chapters.
- 403
- Coven of the Rowan Star
- Manifesting the beliefs and techniques of Traditional Wicca, paganism and the larger Western Magical Tradition; located in Delaware (USA).
- 410
- SilverMoon's Path
- Basic practices and information on dreamworking, visualization, meditation, and the environment.
- 415
- Janet Dane
- Large collection of channeled nature spirits with many photos, high guidance from Auron'a and other spirit guides, meditations, workshops and contact information.
- 416
- Nature Spirits, Devas, Elementals, Trees
- Explains nature devas, how the elemental kingdom works, gnomes, and the tree of life.
- 417
- EarthPath
- Earth centered; combines Wicca and Shamanism. Dedicated to connecting students with mentors to promote community education and training for those who wish to attain clergy status.
- 418
- CyberCoven.Org
- Author of "The Virtual Pagan" and "Magickal Connections," Lisa Mc Sherry's site contains many articles and information of interest Pagans working on-line and off.