Bill Clinton's Morality
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Scan day: 02 February 2014 UTC
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Description: An editorial on the moral decline, or redefinition or morality in the political world.
Morality is a human concept that doubtlessly evolves in some ways over time, and yet many would say that the basic precepts remain constant. What is a moral act to some, might seem amoral or immoral to others. Examples: Dr. Kavorkian. Abortion. Homosexuality. Politicians are not a class of people that come to mind when high precepts of morality are mentioned. By their very nature, politicians seem to have become the antithesis of moral people. They seem to pander for votes, and waffle on tough issues. A politician who dares to assert strong beliefs is more often than not, considered "extreme." Politicians tend to become weather vanes. Bill Clinton is a master politician.
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