Vishnive: Memorial Prayer for the Jewish Community
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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A personal web site that has been built as a memorial for my grandfather and grandmother, Mordechai and Chaya Rogovin of Vishnive.
"äòééøä åàðé" îàú ãáåøä äìáøâ (øåâåáéï)
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Page title: | I am from Vishneve |
Keywords: | Vishnive, Vishnev, Visnava, Vishneva, Vishniva, Viszniev, Vishnevo, Wisznievo, Wiszniew, Wiszniewo, Rogovin, Elishkevitch, Eliaskovich, Jewish, Judaism, Jews, Holocaust, Poland, Belarus, shtetl, community, Zionism, pioneers, kibbutz, Kfar-Sava, Israel, geneology, World War I, World War II, Eastern Europe, Russia, Germany, Volozin, Volozhyn, éæëåø ,øåâåáéï ,äìáøâ ,ºäéìä éäåãéú ,ùåàä ,åéùðéáä, áìøåñ, áéåâøôéä, ºäéìåú éäåãéåú ,úôåöåú ,éäåãéí ,ååéùðéáä, ååìåæ'éï, ôåìéï, øåñéä äìáðä, |
Description: | Stories from the shtetl Vishnivo of Belarus, Biography stories |
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