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Meru Organization

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: The Meru Project is based on 25 years of research by Stan Tenen into the origin and nature of the Hebrew alphabet, and the mathematical structure underlying the sequence of letters of the Hebrew text of Genesis.
Meru Foundation Research: Hebrew Alphabet, Genesis, Geometric Metaphor, and Kabbalah Right click/control click on image and uncheck to stop movie, re-check to play. Book/ebook by Stan Tenen Outlines Meru Research
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Page title:Meru Foundation Research: Hebrew Alphabet, Genesis, Geometric Metaphor, and Kabbalah
Keywords:hebrew alphabet,hebrew letters,Torah, Bible, Kabbalah, Meru,Kabbalah,Hebrew,alphabet,alef-bet, sacred alphabet,consciousness,Torah Codes,ancient cosmology, sacred geometry, Genesis,B'reshit,bereshit, geometry,geometric, metaphor, bible,first hand,gesture, meru foundation, stan tenen
Description:Meru Foundation research has discovered a geometric metaphor - the meaning of Kabbalah - in the letter-text of the Hebrew Bible, in Genesis (B'reshit), that models embryonic growth and self-organization, applies to all whole systems, and demonstrates that the relationship between consciousness and physics - mind and world - was understood in the ancient world, and is preserved by our great spiritual traditions.