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Congregation Har Tzeon-Agudath Achim

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Silver Spring. Profile, Rabbi's page, service times, education and events.
Congregation Har Tzeon Agudath Achim Congregation Har Tzeon-Agudath Achim is a warm and welcoming synagogue where we come together to pray, learn Torah, perform mitzvot, and do  We take our commitment to Judaism seriously.
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 301-649-3800


Page title:Congregation Har Tzeon Agudath Achim
Description:Congregation Har Tzeon - Agudath Achim is a traditionally observant conservative synagogue, offering a rich and varied program of religious, educational, and social activities. We are justly proud of our Rabbi's learned and eloquent drashot every Shabbat, our superb Baal Korei and Chazzanim, the warm and welcoming atmosphere of our traditional services, in addition to the participation, commitment and rich contributions of our congregants. From youth groups to senior programs, from our free cheder to adult education, from family services to daily minyanim, from social action to social welfare, from youth groups to the Sisterhood and the Men's Club, our goal remains the same: to engage the power and beauty of our heritage to help us improve ourselves and our world. Join us!