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- National Council of Young Israel
- National coordinating agency for nearly 150 Orthodox congregations throughout the United States and Canada.
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- New Israel Fund
- A philanthropic partnership of North Americans and Israelis dedicated to strengthening democracy and advancing social justice and religious pluralism in Israel.
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- Oorah Kiruv Rechokim
- Oorah, which means "Awaken," was founded in 1980 with the goal of awakening Jewish children and their families to their heritage. Oorah enables children to enroll in Jewish day schools or yeshivos, where they receive a full religious and secular education straight through high school. Endorsed by many Gedolim.
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- Rabbinic Center for Research and Counseling
- The Rabbinic Center for Research and Counseling is the first organization established to promote research on intermarriage and to serve the needs of intermarrying and intermarried couples.
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- Rabbinical Council of America
- Serving 980 Orthodox Rabbis in the United States, Canada, Israel and throughout the world.
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- The Aleph Institute
- A National organization, Providing critical social services; religious, educational, humanitarian and advocacy needs of individuals in institutional environments; implementing solutions to significant issues relating to our criminal justice system.
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- The Chenstochover Aid Society
- Toronto-based Mutual Benefit Society set up to provide assistance to survivors of the Holocaust and their families. Events, photos, and information about the organization.
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- The CubaAmerica Jewish Mission
- A non-profit organization dedicated to assisting with the revitalization of Jewish life in Cuba and to working to improve the physical and spiritual well-being of the Jews of Cuba and the new Cuban Olim to Israel.
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- The Dorot Foundation
- Charitable family foundation. Includes information about grants for student travel to Israel and other purposes.
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- The Greater New Haven Jewish Community
- Offers news, events and opportunities in the Greater New Haven area.
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- The Union for Traditional Judaism
- Trans-denominational education and outreach organization dedicated to promoting the principles of traditional Judaism. Includes news, discussion, and links to resources.
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- Tzedakah House Home Page
- Providing assistance, referrals, aid and education for the unaffiliated Jewish Community and interfaith families.
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- VaaD Harabbanim
- Vaad Harabbanim was established to serve Jews in need in Eretz Yisroel under the guidance and leadership of rabbonim: alleviate hunger, help people in crises and in need of medical assistance.
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- A Rabbi for Your Wedding or Commitment Ceremony
- Rabbi in Boston is available to perform interfaith weddings, gay and lesbian commitment ceremonies, and other Jewish life cycle events.
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- Allyson's Awesome B'at Mitzvah Celebration
- Join Allyson and her family as you tour her B'at Mitzvah celebration site.
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- Davka
- Explore Jewish experience as mediated by Rabbi Mark Hurvitz. Find a Haggadah and other materials for celebrating Jewish life. Examine contested issues, share Israel trips, and build a community of Jews worldwide.
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- Jerusalem Searchlight
- Dedicated to exposing camouflaged antisemitism in the enlightened global society.