- 761
- Congregation Micah
- Nashville. A Reform Jewish institution. Service schedule, upcoming events, and information on the religious school, rabbis, and staff.
- 762
- The Temple Congregation Ohabai Sholom
- Nashville. Reform Jewish congregation. History, profiles of the rabbis and other staff, education program information, news, driving directions, and information about activities.
- 764
- Chumash - Intelligent Concept Search
- Search tool for words (English) and synonyms in the text of the Torah and Rashi's commentary (plus additional text notes).
- 765
- Inner Stream
- A collection of essays by Rabbi Lazer Gurkow, which explore the "inner streams" of meaning that flow beneath the simple, surface understanding of the weekly Parsha.
- 767
- Jacobs Shabbat Learning Center
- A master index to parasha-based Torah learning on the internet. Has subject, author, and parsha index to dozens of sites and resources.
- 769
- Rav Kook on the Weekly Parasha
- Thoughts and insights taken from the writings of Rav A.I. Kook, and organized according to the Weekly Torah Portion, Tehillim (Psalms), and Jewish Holidays.
- 770
- Sermons The Year 'Round by Rabbi Bernard L. Berzon
- Full-text of sermon book on all parshiot of the Torah.
- 771
- Shema Yisrael Parshas HaShavua
- A collection of 19 different weekly parsha commentaries, from a variety of different approaches.
- 774
- Torah from Dixie, Inc.
- Thoughts on the weekly Torah portion, from the Jewish community of Atlanta.
- 776
- Chabad of North Beverly Hills
- Audio classes ranging from how to learn Hebrew to the Talmud and Kabbalah.